“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”
Proverbs 4:23
The water leak was so small, I hardly noticed it at first. It was a slow drip, hidden away in the basement bathroom my kids used. Out of sight, out of mind.
It was easy to ignore—until the water company sent a letter. That “no big deal” was costing me a lot more than I thought. Suddenly, that slow drip had turned into an expensive issue I could not ignore.
We called a plumber, and within ten minutes, the leak was fixed. The bathroom was dry, and everything seemed normal again. But standing there, I could not shake the thought: how often do I let small problems slide until they grow into something much harder to handle?’
Fixing the leak in the bathroom was simple, but it reminded me to pay attention—not just to my home but to my heart. The truth is, life is full of “small leaks.” Little compromises, unhelpful habits, and unchecked attitudes. I want to face these things head-on before they spiral out of control.
Maybe you need that reminder too. What in your life could use your focus right now? Take some time today to stop, reflect, and make a change before the drip becomes a flood.