Tag Archive for: Ephesians 1:7

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.”

Ephesians 1:7

Lewis Edgar Jones had spent years doing all the right things. He worked hard. He was faithful to his church and prayed when he could. And yet, beneath it all, something felt … hollow.

It was not that he doubted God, but deep down, he wondered: Where is the power?

Not just talk. Not just tradition. He needed to know if faith had the power to change things. Could it really reach into the mess of his life and do something about it?

But this week, at the yearly camp meeting, he felt it.

He had not expected to weep the way he had or to feel so undone. But in the presence of Jesus, something deep within him cracked open. Hope had pressed its way back into his heart, alive in a way he had not felt since he was a boy.

But Jones knew revival was not just about what happened here. He thought of the people beyond this place—his coworkers, the folks in the town square, and the families at his church.

His heart ached for them because he knew the question they, like him, were too afraid to ask: Is this real? Can Jesus actually do something in my life?

Yes. A thousand times yes.

The blood of Jesus had changed him. It had given him a hope that no effort, no good works, no routine religion ever could.

So he reached for a scrap of paper and began to write a song. “Would you be free from the burden of sin? There’s power in the blood, power in the blood.”

That night, he sang it softly to himself. It was more than a song. It was a testimony.

Years later, crowds would sing it in unison, and today, that same power still reaches out. To you. To all who long for something real. You do not have to stay the same or figure it out on your own. Come to the One who has never lost His power.

Come to Jesus.

“There is power, power, wonder working power 
In the blood of the Lamb 
There is power, power, wonder working power 
In the precious blood of the Lamb”