Be the Support Someone Needs
“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2
Ursula had spent her whole life being the strong one—the one who showed up for everybody else. But that day on the mountain, she had to be the one who was carried.
One wrong step, a sharp twist, and pain like fire shot through her ankle. She hit the ground hard, gasping. She tried to stand, but the moment her foot touched the dirt, she crumpled.
Miles of rocky trail stretched between her and help. There was no cell service, no way to call anyone, and for the first time in a long time, she felt completely helpless.
Then, three young men rounded the bend, breathless from their run. They could have smiled politely and jogged on past. Instead, they stopped.
One of them, a boy named Troy, crouched beside her. “Ma’am,” he said, his voice steady, “we’ve got you.”
And before she could argue, he knelt down, let her wrap her arms around his shoulders, and lifted her clean off the ground. Step by step, he carried her down that mountain, his friends steadying them along the way.
By the time they reached the bottom, Ursula’s ankle was still broken, but she felt more cared for than she had in a long time. Because kindness like that—the kind that costs something—sticks with you. They didn’t owe her anything. And yet, they gave anyway. Strength. Time. Compassion.
And the truth is, we all get the chance to be that for somebody.
Some burdens in life are too heavy to bear alone. But what if someone’s relief is waiting on your willingness? What if the kindness you offer today is the kindness that changes everything?